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New Hire – Jules Tamo – Vice President, Branch Manager, Arlington, VA

Jules Tamo, Vice President, Branch Manager, Arlington, VA

 John Marshall Bank Hires Jules Blaise Tamo as Vice President, Branch Manager, Arlington, VA

Reston, VA — John Marshall Bank (“JMB” or the “Bank”), subsidiary of John Marshall Bancorp, Inc. (the “Company”) (Nasdaq: JMSB), is proud to announce the recent hire of Jules Blaise Tamo as Vice President, Branch Manager in the Arlington, VA market. Mr. Tamo is a long-time Arlington-based commercial banker who joins John Marshall Bank after having previously worked as a Branch Manager and Commercial Specialist for United Bank and as a Branch Operations Manager and Branch Manager for Virginia Commerce Bank.

Mr. Tamo has a decorated educational history. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Bank Management and of the International Association of Project Managers Program. Mr. Tamo also has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, as well as a Bachelor Degree in Economics from Douala University.

“We are excited to add Jules to the Arlington team,” stated Sheila Yosufy, EVP, Director of Sales, Commercial & Retail Banking, “his presence in Arlington as a well-known Market Leader reflects John Marshall Bank’s commitment to  attracting and hiring sought after, top talent.”

As a dedicated member of the community, Mr. Tamo is active in various groups and associations in the Arlington region including the Arlington Chamber of Commerce where he serves on multiple committees. He was also the class of 2019 President at the Virginia Bankers School of Bank Management and is a member of the Virginia Bankers Association’s Emerging Bank Leaders. Outside of banking associations, he is the President and Founder of the UFFSH Hiking Club and a community director with the Knights of Columbus.

View the press release on our Investor Relations page.

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